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Hong Kong College of Nursing and Health Care Management

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We provide professional platform with the 4 majors theme of policy, research, education and practice in relations to nursing management for nursing managers

The Hong Kong Academy of Nursing and Midwifery Limited

Pathway to Membership and Fellowship in Specialty Nursing

(with effect from May 2021)

Fellow Member of the HKANM

18. Recommended by 2 Fellows of the Academy College of the related specialty
17. Passed the assessment stipulated by the Academy College of the related specialty

16. Completed the self-declaration of criminal conviction or professional misconduct*
15. Demonstrated significant contributions to nursing practice or service development
14. Achieved 60 CNE points within the recent 3-year cycle, with 45 points relating to the specialty
13. Completed the clinical log-book
12. Completed additional 250 hours of guided clinical practice
11. Accumulated 5 years of experience working in the specialty in recent 7 years
10. Passed the Certification Examination offered by the Academy College of the related specialty
9. Being an Ordinary Member of the HKANM and the Academy College of the related specialty
8. Possessed RN/RM registration in Hong Kong with a valid practising certificate

7.Completed the self-declaration of criminal conviction or professional misconduct*
6.Showed satisfactory performance at admission interview conducted by the related Academy College
5.Completed 250 hours of #guided clinical practice at any clinical practice site recognized by the related Academy College
       #Guided clinical practice includes:
  1. Experiential learning with mentor guidance at local clinical specialty departments;
  2. Practicum at work/non-work places with mentors from local clinical specialty departments under university/tertiary institution programs
  3. Practicum at work/non-work places with mentors from local clinical specialty departments under the HA PRCC Program (only the part to be recognized by the related Academy College)
4.Completed 500 theoretical hours in advanced practice certification program, with a minimum of 300 hours at postgraduate level and
   the remaining hours being recognized by the related Academy College
3.Obtained a master's or higher degree in Nursing or healthcare related discipline after RN/RM registration
2.Accumulated 4 years of experience working in the specialty in recent 6 years
1.Completed RN/RM registration in Hong Kong with a valid practising certificate
*Exceptional cases will be reviewed by the related Academy College and endorsed by HKANM

Email: [email protected]       Telephone: 2370 0335       Fax: 2370 0216       Website:
Incorporated as The Hong Kong Academy of Nursing and Midwifery Limited

Record of Guided Clinical Practice for Application of Ordinary Members

Mentor Manual
(May 2021)

Clinical Logbook
(May 2021)