Professional platform with 4 main themes which contribute to the nursing excellence


The College facilitates policy and set professional standards which enhance nursing excellence and promote future development of healthcare services in HKSAR.


The College facilitates healthcare researches together with other healthcare professional, patients and general public in order to work towards nursing excellence.


The College provides professional trainings and education to nursing managers and other nursing members in healthcare sectors to enhance professional knowledge both in nursing management and nursing practices..


The College promotes evidence-based practices by effective leadership and safe-guards quality of nursing practices.

Programme and Training

Advanced Diploma in Nursing Leadership and Health Care Management

As nurses move upward in organizations, the decision making, the problem solving, and the project management become increasingly complex and multi-functional. Comprehensive management training is required for the potential nurse leaders in order to equip them with knowledge and skills as well as experience sharing, which required for performing their leadership and management role at work.

Nursing Leadership and Health Care Management Programme is specifically designed to equip nurse leaders who can make informed, strategic decisions regarding all aspects of health care management, including effective delivery of high-quality...

Introduction about the Individual Sessions of Advanced Diploma Programme

Introduction about the Co-joint Class and Seminars