Advanced Diploma

Hong Kong College of Nursing and Health Care Management

Advanced Diploma in Nursing Leadership and Health Care Management


As nurses move upward in organizations, the decision making, the problem solving, and the project management become increasingly complex and multi-functional. Comprehensive management training is required for the potential nurse leaders in order to equip them with knowledge and skills as well as experience sharing, which required for performing their leadership and management role at work.

Nursing Leadership and Health Care Management Programme is specifically designed to equip nurse leaders who can make informed, strategic decisions regarding all aspects of health care management, including effective delivery of high-quality care, survives consolidation, escalating costs, disproportionate access to health care, effective health information technology, and ever-increasing regulation.

10 Modules

1. Global Perspective on Healthcare Management in relation to Nursing Management

Taking an international and comparative approach, this module introduces different types of health system and attempts to respond the issue of which approaches to designing and improving health systems are most likely to have a better performance. It enables the students to understand and critically evaluate health care systems in terms of their main structures, financing, delivery of health care, the role of the government and other dimensions.

The module will also consider and critically assess the performance of different health systems and discuss various strategies in response to health needs. Local health care systems (public and private) and crucial issues will be discussed in evidence-based approach.

2. Organizational Development and Strategic Management

This module enhances student’s understanding of Organizational Development concepts in enhancing their management in an organization, which includes:

  • Organization development theories: the Fifth Disciplines
  • Different models of organizational structures and how they affect policy making
  • "What” and “Why” to strategic management
  • Concepts of Blue Ocean Strategies

3. Operations Management

Bottlenecks, backlog, ageing, queuing, medical incidents, hospitals everywhere face the same business challenges. These problems impede improvement, exhaust resources, and compromise customer satisfaction.

This module provides insight into the major requirements to be met in the service design, planning, operation and control of hospitals and health services, and develop a numerate approach to the challenge and practice of health management.

  • Qualitative approach on decision making
  • Quantitative approach on decision making
  • Project management and scheduling
  • Service planning and commissioning
  • Crisis Management
  • Better client relationship

4. Human Resources Management

This module enhances students’ understanding of, and ability to manage, the human aspects of the health care services. The module focuses on key issues associated with leading and managing health care organisations, and explores more practical aspects of human resources management.

  • The role, function and trend of human resources
  • Manpower planning
  • Law and practice relating to employment
  • Recruitment and selection
  • Performance management
  • Training and Development

5. Health Economic and Financial Management

The purpose of this course is to provide an overview and discussion of important sources of health economics information, and aim to introduce students to key knowledge and skills pertaining to Public Financial Management:

  • Describes the scope of health economics and its key information resources
  • Highlights the sources and characteristics of health care financing information
  • Outlines issues relating to the quality of health economic evaluation studies
  • Background information of Hospital Authority
  • Overview on hospital’s Annual and Budget Planning
  • Budget Management in public hospitals
  • Budget Control and Monitoring
  • Financial Performance Reporting

6. Quality and Patient Safety

This module aims to equip students at advanced practice level with contemporary knowledge and skills in health care quality, risk management and patient safety. It includes:

  • Overview on health care quality
  • Relations between patient safety, risk and quality
  • Human Factors Framework
    - Understanding adverse events
    - Human Factor skills and patient safety
  • Complaint management
  • Strategies for quality and safety improvement
  • Impact of hospital accreditation and magnet hospital

7. Information Management, Legal and Ethical Implications in Health

The module is structured to help advance the understanding on information management, ethical & legal aspects in health care and the application on health care organization.

The module emphasizes quality healthcare data as the foundation for organizational information and knowledge management systems. It also appraises critically the complexity of ethical and legal requirements for healthcare professionals in practice situations, express their ideas coherently and critically on the ethical and legal issues in practice contexts, recognize the moral and legal obligations in the context of professional practice, and communicate their comprehension on the principles of bioethics and law and how they can be applied in specific healthcare situations.

The module will prepare the students to:

  • Improve the strategic use and management of information resources, such as, big data analysis
  • Develop policies to maximize the benefits resulting from the widespread use of these technologies
  • Increase the productivity and creativity of knowledge workers, managers, and executives who work with information resources, such as, Mobile solution, Apps application
  • Evaluate, plan, and deploy the effective use of information and communication technologies
  • Ethical Aspect in health care
  • Principles of law and its relevance to health care

8. Evidence-Based Practice (EBP) and Management

The module would let students able to appreciate the application of Evidence-based Practice for improvement of patient care and drive the use of Evidence-based Practice in work place. This module enhances students’

  • basic concepts of EBP
  • how to ask a practice question
  • process and model of EBP
  • value of EBP in quality and safety management
  • strategies to promote EBP

9/ Nursing Leadership in Health Care

The module would let students able to understand the leader’s role in managing change, identify the important elements in promoting creativity and innovation, master the skills in improving motivation, creativity and innovation, health leader’s role in managing change, important elements in creativity and innovation, and putting creativity and innovation into health care practice.

10. Managing Change and Innovation

The module would let students able to understand the quality and behavior of a nurse leader, master the latest in nursing leadership skills and know how to inspire, motivate people and create incentive, which includes:

  • Develop nursing leadership in health care
  • Leading through people
  • Motivate self and motivate people
  • Skills in nursing leadership - coaching
  • Reflective learning strategies
  • Building team learning culture

Assessment & Award

The programme contains 167 learning hours. Students are required to complete at least 80% attendance. Students are assessed by a combination of coursework and an individual project. An advanced diploma will be awarded upon completion of the programme with fulfillment of required assessment.

A clinical logbook will be provided to facilitate the required clinical learning experiences and documentation of learning domains, activities and evaluations.

Admission Requirment

As the Programme is in Post-graduate Qualification Level, students should have completed

  • a recognized Bachelor Degree
  • at least 5 years Registered Nurse experience
  • attributes of Nursing Leader

Teaching Mode & Schedule

  • Classroom lecture / online tutorial / visit & forum
  • 8-month program on Saturday, 0900 – 1800 hour

College may arrange any learning activities outside the classroom to enrich the managerial experiences of students. Remarks: The above dates may be subject to change.

Programme Director


RN, Dip. GN, Cert. IC, EDip.LNC, FCHSE FHKAN, CEN, CIC, MBA, MA, PhD, ABLS, ACLS, BCLS, PALS, ITLS Provider & Instructor

Programme Director, Hong Kong College of Nursing and Health Care Management